here we answer the most


We understand just how fundamental your website is to your business. It can mean the difference between thriving, surviving or returning to 9-to-5ing.  We want you to be confident that you're investing in the right solution once and for all.

If it's WordPress, why isn't it free?

What if I have no idea about web design?

With the "Live in Five" training course, will my site *really* be live in 5 days?  I've heard that web development projects can take weeks!

Are there any extra (hidden) costs?

What happens to my website if I stop paying for Motivate Wellness?

did we cover


If you still have specific questions why not drop us a message and we'll come back to you straight away or schedule a call so that we can explain everything thoroughly. Just complete the form below.

upcoming course


Wokingham, Berkshire

Weekends: 24th & 25th Feb, 10th, 11th & 17th March 2018


5 day intensive: 4th to 8th April 2018


5 day intensive: 2nd to 6th May 2018


Includes three months subscription to the 
Motivate Wellness system.

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